Proposition 16, Affirmative Action: Yes
All you need to know about Proposition 16 is that is repeals the racist Proposition 209 that was passed in 1996.
Let’s be clear here: Systemic racism exists, in this country, in this enlightened-in-many-ways state. It has for years, for decades, for generations, despite our best efforts to eradicate it. Proposition 209 didn’t eliminate it. It just covered it up and hoped it would go away.
As we’ve learned these recent months, it’s not enough to be not racist. We must be actively anti-racist. And that means taking explicit actions to make sure our institutions are diverse that they represent our populations.
It is explicitly not racist to ensure our institutions are diverse. Diversity is our strongest value, one that brings viewpoints from across all spectrums, especially those parts of spectrums that have been shut out by institutional bias.
I could write a million words explaining the concept in myriads of ways, but the racists who oppose this measure will not learn, will not change, and will be doomed to the dustbin of history.
If you truly believe in equal opportunity, vote YES on Proposition 16.